Tubing Conveyed Perforating (TCP) Select Fire Options


Tubing Conveyed Perforating (TCP) Select Fire Options

Tubing Conveyed Perforating (TCP) is a cost effective way for well completions in vertical, deviated or horizontal wells. Utilizing tubing conveyed perforating (TCP) systems; gun lengths are not limited, can be run on coiled tubing or jointed pipe saving time in rig cost as well can be left on the tubing sting allowing the producer to get well on production sooner.

Kodiak has many options of tubing conveyed perforating (TCP) systems to meet all your service needs, as well all systems can be catered to meet the customers’ requirements.


  • Control Line TCP systems.
  • Annular Pressure Operated / Production Vent.
  • Annular Pressure Packer Bypass.
  • Automatic Gun Release.
  • Ball Drop Hydraulic Actuated Firing Head.
  • Direct Pressure Firing Head. 
  • Drop Bar Hydrostatic Firing Heads. 
  • Drop Bar Operated Production Vent. 
  • Dual Top Annulus Differential Pressure Firing Head.
  • Dual Top Firing Head.
  • Fill/Stop Fill Valve.
  • Firing Bodies and Pup Joints.
  • Gun to Gun Transfer with 6 Minute Delay.
  • Mechanical Gun Release.
  • Ported Debris Barrier Sub.
  • Underbalance Sub.
  • Ported Debris Barrier Sub.
  • Motor Heads.
  • Retrieving Tools.

We provide great and on time services to our valuable customers.